Key Features Overview

Job Board ERP is a cloud-based system that helps businesses manage their operations more efficiently. It is designed for businesses of all sizes, including those in the oil and gas industry. The system can help businesses manage their bids, jobs, equipment, ticketing, invoicing, and more.

Job Board Admin
Key Features Overview

It also includes features for managing employees, vendors, and payroll. Job Board ERP is easy to use and can be accessed from any device. It is a great way for businesses to Rise Above Spreadsheets and improve their efficiency.


Templates: Use templates to create bids that are consistent and standarized to provide to your customers.

Exports: Export bids to Word

Price Books: Enables you to create price books to copy and move.


Job costing: Creating Jobs allows for over all Job costs that include purchase, revenue, and employee costs.

Equipment on Jobs: Manage Jobs and allow equipment to be sent to Jobs to understand Utilization.

Price Books: Enables you to create price books to copy and move.


Work Orders: Create tickets/work orders for your customers to sign and agree too.

Control Costs: Ensure employees are on a ticket to bill a customer so you can control costs.

Attachements: Add attachements to tickets for review such as safety documentation.

Adobe Certificate: Send tickets to customers digitally with approved Adobe Certificate or print on paper.


Invoice Creation: Create invoices directly in the system that can be sent and combined with ticket data to be sent to client.

Tax Service: Use Tax service to help accounting save time with looking up tax amounts.

Work Queue: Use work queue to pass purchase invoices and customer invoices to the right user without leaving the system.

Dynamics Business Central: Connect to Dynamics Business Central to automatically post purchases and invoices to the system for cash management.

Equipment Management

Documentation: Document maintance records, DOT information and much more.

Notifications: Get notified with there are important documents like DOT documents expiring.

Reporting: Understand Equipment utilization via reporting.

Automatic Comments: Purchase automatically comment on the equipment items.


Tracking Tickets: Get a handle on the revenue process by ensuring tickets are moving through the process.

Purchase orders & Ticketing: Get an understanding on job cost by using Purchase orders and ticketing.

Central Data Storage: Easily gather Isnteworld or other safety systems data in one central place.

Time Sheet Data: View time sheet data in the applicaiton.

Email Alerts: Create email alerts to understand when things are past due.

Rise above spreadsheets
with Job Board ERP